Ironman Races in 2010 and Kona Slots Per Race

[Also see Ironman Races 2011-2012 and Kona Slots per Race]

Each year, more than 50,000 triathletes compete in races all over the world hoping to earn one of roughly 1800 golden opportunities of a lifetime: the right to race with the best in the world in Kona.

The allocation of those 1800 slots is roughly as follows:
  • 1500 slots earned at qualifying races (see estimates below)
  • 200 awarded in an official Ironman lottery held each Spring; thousands apply; see for details and registration
  • The rest go to previous Kona winners, last year’s Kona age group winners, NBC broadcast subjects, sponsor and manufacturer representatives.
Other than trying your luck – against very long odds --at the lottery, if you want to go to Kona, you need to qualify. An overview of the qualifying slot distribution process:

  • The 1500 slots are allocated among 25 Ironman qualifying races and Ironman 70.3 California
  • The slots each race gets (e.g., Wisconsin = 72 slots) are allocated among age-group divisions and pros (e.g., M45-49 age group gets 6 slots)
  • The slots in each race’s age-group division are reserved for the top finishers (e.g., the top 6 finishers in M45-49 are entitled to take a slot)
  • It may happen that some athletes will choose to not accept a slot they earned for some reason; any slots not accepted ‘roll down’ to the next finisher(s) who also have the option to accept or pass on the slot.
  • The ‘Roll Down’ process continues until all slots are taken
  • Note: see official race rules for details and timing