The 2012 Ironman Wisconsin took place under ideal conditions, and athletes turned in an average finish time of 13 hours, 14 minutes, just a couple of minutes faster than the 2009-2012 average of 3:16. The day started with 2453 athletes (14% DNS) swimming the new 1-lap course in Lake Monona; by the time the clock reached midnight, 17 hours later, 2343 had finished the race (5% DNF).
Our detailed analysis of the 2102 race by age group, along with comparisons of the 2009 to 2012 events, is below. Also see our Ironman Wisconsin 2012 Photos, and our Complete Ironman Wisconsin Coverage. For more, including how Ironman Wisconsin compares with other races, see our in-depth archive of Race Stats/Results/Analysis. For everything else, see our Home Page.