- It was tougher than the average 11:31 finish time spanning the 16-year period 2002 to 2017,
- A near-record 132 athletes did not finish, more than 80 qualifiers did not start
- Average splits indicate athletes suffered most on the run -- 1:11 swim, 5:49 bike, 4:27 run
- Things could have been worse -- a far cry from 2004 finishers' 12:06 experience in the wind-laced, blast-furnace heat,
- But it was a long way from what would be considered fast, a full 25 minutes slower than the wind-aided 11:06 average time turned in by finishers in 2013.
We dove into details of the 2017 race, overall, by split, by division, and did side-by-side comparisons across each dimension going as far back as 2002. For extra credit, we conducted a bike vs run correlation analysis, illustrating the degree to which bike speed strategy impacted run splits for each athlete.

For more, see our Comprehensive Historical Ironman Kona Coverage.