The average finish time in 2011 was 11 hour, 23 minutes, a dramatic improvement compared to the very fast 11:45 in 2010. Based on these results, Austria is now, without question, the fastest/easiest ironman. on the calendar.
The average bike split of 5:42 is ridiculously fast, and the median time is even faster. An average run split of 4:14 is unprecedented.
And the ironman world record finish time of 7:45 was recorded by a solid triathlete, but not one expected to shatter such a record.
Why is Austria so fast? It's not cutoff times -- the race time limit was a full 17 hours. Drafting, course measurement, other?
Whatever the answer, in 2011 Austria has proven, again, to be one of the the fastest, easiest, ironman events in the world.