Chicago Marathon: Finish Times, Racing Advice, Pace Charts, Results Analysis, and More

By Raymond Britt  Here's just about everything you want to know about running the Chicago Marathon. If you or someone you know plans to run Chicago, or has run it and wants to run better next time, you've come the the right place.
What to Expect on Race Day

Each year Chicago welcomes nearly 40,000 inspiring runners -- from the world's best to complete novices -- who will start, discover, battle, and ultimately finish something they once thought impossible, even ridiculous: the Chicago Marathon, all 26 miles, 385 yards.

At 7:30am on marathon Sunday, all will share one overall goal: run Chicago, finish Chicago, become a part of a 114 year-old tradition of the greatest race in the world. To make that goal a reality, here's what you need to know.

Your first starting gun, of sorts, begins with your alarm clock on race morning. With a record number of participants all headed toward Grant Park at about the same time, there will be traffic congestion. The last thing you want to do on race morning is panic about getting a  parking spot, or find yourself without enough time to get ready to run. I’d suggest trying to get downtown by 6am.

What to Wear

The weather on race day has varied widely in the last decade, from temperatures in the low 30s at the start to sunny 70 degree warmth. Dress for the conditions. Keep it simple; plan to run in clothes you would wear if it were a training day. But you can also dress with the option to make changes, so to speak, on the fly.

If it’s expected to be chilly at the start, consider wearing an old sweatshirt over your running clothes, with an expectation you’ll toss it a few miles into the run. If the cold is expected to hold all morning, consider running in a jacket or vest to keep your torso warm. Cotton gloves and a hat can make the course more comfortable, too.


At least two hours before the race, I like to eat about 600 calories, typically a bagel, banana, and energy bar. You coffee drinkers will also  want to load up with a little eye-opening caffeine. If you expect you might experience cramps during the race, consider taking a salt pill.

And, of course, begin sipping water or sports drink when you wake up. Then I try to limit fluids in the hour before the race, to minimize the need for, shall we say, pit stops on the course.

My rules of thumb for race nutrition and hydration on the course: drink something every two miles, and take in 100 calories (I use GU) every 4 miles. This approach can be a Wall Buster, it keeps me hydrated and relatively energized through those tough miles, to the finish.

Friends and Relatives

One of the fun aspects of the Chicago course is that there are so many places that friends and loved ones can watch all the runners and cheer for you. Knowing they are at certain spots on the course make it easier to get through the miles. But you need to pick smart meeting points, where there are likely to be few others, in order to find each other and enjoy those moments together.

For example, I can tell many runners plan to meet at obvious spots, such as Addison and Broadway in Wrigleyville, or Franklin and Adams in the loop. The problem is, several thousand people make similar plans with their friends and relatives, and when they get there, it’s completely impossible to find anyone they’re looking for. The crowds at those spots are huge and inspiring, it’s just not the best place to meet.

Instead, pick meeting locations a few blocks in either direction away from those popular spots. Be clear about the meeting spot, such as southwest corner, in front of the ABC building. It also helps to try to provide a time range when you think you’ll be there.

Getting to the Start

When 40,000 runners begin to move toward the starting line on Grant Park, things will slow down fast. Marathon organizers do a nice job of directing traffic and getting runners in the right starting areas (designated by bib color and number), but the process may take much  longer than you think. Assuming you’re waiting within a half mile of the starting area, move toward the starting line no later than 6:30am.

Anxious Moments

Soon enough you’ll be standing side-by-side with runners from all over the world, in at atmosphere made up of excitement, anticipation, anxiousness, a little fear, and a lot of natural adrenaline.

As the clock ticks closer to the 8am start time, look around you. Smile and greet the runners near you. Ask where they’re from. Ask what kind of day they are expecting on the course. Pat them on the back and wish them luck. It’s good karma and part of sharing the experience with the running community. You may be running by yourself out there, but those near you will be carrying you, a little.

And You’re Off

Before you know it, the starting gun will fire, and the race will begin. Though that may be more literally true for you if you are near the end of the pack of 40,000 runners. For those at the back, the clock will pass 8am and you might not move for awhile. That’s the nature of pushing tens of thousands of people down a 6-lane road all at once.

Even for those at the front, the congestion will resemble the Kennedy Expressway at rush hour on a holiday weekend.

For nearly everyone except the elites and the really competitive runners at the front, starting this marathon really means walking a few steps, then trotting until things spread out a little, transitioning to a jog as you learn to navigate in the small box you occupy within surrounding runners.

The First Mile

Within one-third of a mile, the pack of runners will spread out ever-so-slightly, at least enough so that you can begin to run freely. Then the fun begins.

With Millenium Park on your left, you’ll run under the Randolph Street Overpass, which will be lined with screaming spectators and a few TV cameras. Look up, smile and wave.

Then you’ll disappear on lower Columbus Ave for about ¼ mile heading toward the Chicago River. You’ll know what to do when you get to this tunnel-like area: whoop it up! Everyone around you will be doing it, and it’s just one of the early part of a race experience you’ll never forget.

The Fun Miles

Get into a steady groove, and enjoy, for lack of a better word, the first 13 miles that will take you through Lincoln Park, Wrigleyville, Old Town, River North and The Loop. You will feel good, and if you’ve been training, it will feel relatively easy. Remember to drink water or Gatorade every two miles or so, and try to get 100 calories every 4 miles.

When you enter The Loop on your 13th mile, you’ll feel like you’re in the middle of a parade. Thousands of spectators will be cheering for you and everyone around you. It’s a great spectacle; soak it in, enjoy it. Because the course may begin to push back on you soon.

Tough Miles

Leaving the noise and excitement of The Loop and disappearing west onto relatively quiet roads brings a stark reality: you’re only halfway there, and the finish is still a long way away.
That’s when your legs are wearing down, and when you let your mental training take over. Those long runs weren’t just for your body; they also prepared you to have the will and the spirit to take you the extra mile and then some. On your race day, draw on those training experiences, keep moving, keep steady, keep yourself in the game.

Break things up by looking forward to passing more of Chicago’s distinctive neighborhoods: Little Italy at mile 17; Pilsen at mile 19; Chinatown after mile 21.

The Turning Point

Then look forward to reaching White Sox Park after mile 22. The ballpark has always been a positive landmark for me. It’s deep into the race, but it also represents the turning point, in more ways then one.

Literally, once you see the ballpark, you’ll take a left turn on 33rd to begin the approach to the finish line. And figuratively, that turn can signal a turn inside, toward the excitement of a pending finish. Those long miles are behind you. The finish line gets closer with each step. So does your dream.

The Finish

The elites will cross the finish line starting at about 10:06am. The rest of us will reach the finish line, with outstretched arms and pride, for the next several hours. 40,000 finishers. 40,000 experiences. 40,000 reasons to be proud we live in a city that hosts this world class event.

And a specific reason for you to be proud: you did it. Running a marathon was once one of those things you though was impossible. Remember? Well, it’s possible. You did it.

Extra Credit: More Statistics

Images by Raymond Britt featured by Runner's World.

New York City Marathon Coverage: Results Analysis Overall, by Age Group, By Year, by Geography, by Weather and more

By Raymond Britt

We're proud to have run and finished the New York City Marathon, one of the best marathons in the worldWe've done a great deal of analysis to help understand the race's dynamics, how it compares to other major marathons, and what to expect on race day.

New York City Marathon By The Numbers

Other Marathon Resources

Chicago Triathlon: Advice, Results Analysis, Stats

By Raymond Britt

More than 2 decades ago, I began my triathlon career at this race, the Chicago Triathlon, International Distance. My swim was dreadful, my bike split could have been worse, and the 10k run was actually somewhat fun, all things considered.

I returned to race the International Distance 6 more times, ultimately improving to the #2 finisher in my age group. And I've spent non-racing years analyzing results by age group, by split, by year, in order to help future competitors understand what to expect on the course, and how to have your best possible race.

Chicago Triathlon Advice
General Triathlon Advice
Chicago Triathlon 2016 Essentials: International and Sprint Distances
Chicago Triathlon International Distance
  • International Distance: Swim 1500 meters, Bike 40k, run 10k
  • Transition Area: 600 E Randolph St.
  • International Distance Transition Area Opens 4:00am, Closes 5:45am
  • Swim Start: Monroe Harbor, 7000 S Lake Shore Drive
  • International Race Starting Times: 6:00am First Wave 8:45am Last Wave
Chicago Triathlon Sprint Distance
Chicago Triathlon Benchmarks: Results Analysis What to Expect, Avg times by Age Group, 
What it's Like: Chicago 2011 Race Analysis
More than 3300 triathletes completed the 2011 international distance event in an average time of 3:15, compared to 3:06 in 2010. The 2011 race was a tough one, with a very choppy swim and strong winds.  If you did as well or better in at least one of these categories, consider your day a success. Congratulations.

Nearly 1900 triathletes competed in the Sprint division, finishing in an average time of 1:55. Sprint competitors faced the same challenges in the water and on the bike course, and should similarly be proud of their finish times.

Of note, the mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, slipped into the sprint distance competition. How do his results compare? Look at our Rahm -- Triathlete Analysis.

What to Expect on Race Day by Raymond Britt

Each year, Chicago is host to several thousand triathletes from all over the world, participating in a weekend-long series of triathlons. If you’re racing or watching someone race, welcome to the world’s largest triathlon. 

By the time you pick up your race bib number, bike stickers, wrist-bands and t-shirt at the Chicago Triathlon Expo, it will begin to dawn on you: this is for real. The race is just around the corner.

You’re far from alone if you’re feeling a bit anxious about everything you’ll have to do on race day from before dawn until after you finish. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ve written it all down for you. Read on.

There are a variety of different events taking place on race weekend: Kids and Super Sprint races on Saturday, Sprint and Olympic Distance races (in a variety of formats: individual, relay, mountain bike, elite age group, and pro) on Sunday.

For simplicity, I’m writing about the Olympic Distance race here: 1500 meter swim, 40k bike, 10k run (Sprint Distance is one-half the distance, on the same course).

Before the race, you're wondering: what should my target splits and finish times be? See the table for average times by age group at the end of this article. Set your target, then get ready for race day.

Early Wake-Up Call

Set those alarm clocks early, because you’ll need to have entered the transition area, set-up your bike and everything else before dawn. Race organizers want everyone out of the transition area – no exceptions – by 6am.

I suggest you plan your commute to arrive downtown by 5am. There’s plenty of parking in the underground lots east of Michigan Ave and north of Monroe. The parking garage exits conveniently put you close to the transition area.

Transition Set-Up

Race organizers provide bike racks, organized by ‘Wave’, the number of the group you will be racing with. At the expo, you will learn your Wave Number, which also identifies what time you’ll start racing. If you’re in Wave 39, for example, that’s where your bike must go; it’s against the rules to put your bike with another group.

Sorry, but you won’t get that much room to set up your things under your bike; just enough to fit under the width of your handlebars. Actually, you won’t need that much space after all. Here’s what you do:
• Lay your bike shoes, socks, helmet, sunglasses, jersey, and bib number on a small towel to the left of your rear bike wheel. This will make a quick change easy after the swim
• To the right of your rear bike wheel, put your running shoes and hat, maybe an energy bar, for a quick bike-to-run transition
• On your bike, load one or two bike bottles and maybe an energy gel or two, for calories and hydration on the bike
• Place any extra things you might want during the race in your gear bag, under your bike; they’re out of the way, but available if needed

It’s a simple as that.

Finding your bike during the race might be the harder thing, so take a couple of minutes to note landmarks that can help pinpoint your bike when you are entering transition from the swim at one end or off the bike from the other end.

When you have your bearings, gather up your wetsuit, goggles, swim cap and sunscreen and exit transition to wait for your turn to race. Depending on your Wave start time, the wait could be as long as three hours. If you’re one of those late-starters, you may need a diversion or two such as the Sunday paper and a comfortable place in the shade. Your time will come.

Getting Started: The Swim

Steve Abbey has seen the swim venue change over the years. “Swim courses have ranged from Oak Street Beach to Olive Park, to one at the Aquarium and veered around the Planetarium, to the current course in Monroe Harbor, which has been in place for several years now,” he recalls.

The Monroe Harbor swim course is very straightforward, literally. For Sprint Racers, they will swim a straight line south to north for 750 meters. Olympic Distance racers will swim approximately 375 meters south toward the Aquarium, then make a U-turn for the northbound swim of 1125 meters to the finish.

Swim Waves, typically groups of 100 to 200 swimmers, will begin racing at 6:00am. For the next few hours, every few minutes the swim start air horn will blow, signaling the beginning of the race for the next wave. You need to know when your group is slated to start and plan to be near the swim entrance about 15 minutes before that.

About 10-minutes before your start, a volunteer will begin gathering your group into an organized procession to water’s entry. Start zipping up your wetsuit and getting comfortable with 5 minutes to go. Two minutes later, the Wave in front of you will hear the air horn, and their race will begin.

Sixty seconds after that, officials will let your Wave enter the water, a process that will only last two minutes before your Wave starts. Jumping into murky water with no bottom can be disorienting. Get in as soon as you can, then quickly move to one side for some space to get used to the water.

In any typical Wave you will have your fleet swimmers, the good swimmers and the dogpaddlers. Figure out which one you are, and seed yourself accordingly. I fit somewhere in the middle, so I tend to move to the outside middle of the group, so I don’t get stuck in the middle of too much activity.

The time passes faster than you think, and soon the air horn is for you. Time to race!

As everyone starts thrashing in the same general direction, it will feel chaotic, because it is. Tell yourself that it will all sort out soon as people find their space in the water. Let things settle as you find your own swim rhythm. Soon, you’ll just be swimming as you do in training, just with a few others around you.

The Monroe Harbor walls offer constant landmarks to see how for and fast you are swimming. My experience is that the distance always seems longer than I expect; in other words, the swim doesn’t end as fast as I wish it would.

Just keep going, the end is near, and so are the volunteers, ready to help pull you out of the water. Yes, you will need the assistance. Once on land, you’ve got a short trek of several hundred yards to the transition area. Many people set a pair of shoes at the swim exit to make this long jog a little more comfortable. I’ve tried it and found it to be more trouble than it’s worth, but the choice is up to you.

Get Rolling: The Bike

Once you find your bike in transition, take a second to make sure you put your helmet on correctly (like making sure the front is in front, buckled, etc.). With shoes, bib number, sunglasses and everything else in place, head to the north transition area, your bike at your side. When you exit, you can only mount the bike past a certain line, noted by officials. Be patient, soon you’ll be rolling.

Over the years, Steve Abbey has also seen the bike course change. “The bike course used to be one loop north to Hollywood then south to Pershing,” Abbey remembers. “The current loop course to Lawrence Ave – once for Sprint racers, twice for Olympic Distance racers – has been in place since the late 1990s.”

The bike course, entirely on Lake Shore Drive, is a mainly flat course with some very gentle rolling over bridges at major East-West city streets such as Fullerton, Belmont and Fullerton. The city reserves two left lanes each way on The Drive for cyclists, while the right lanes will still contain Sunday morning auto traffic. The fun part: just watch, you will be riding faster than those cars sitting in occasional traffic jams.

The biggest climb of the bike race is the first 200 meters up a ramp to enter Lake Shore Drive. Take this climb at a relaxed pace; no need to needlessly blow energy this early. Once at the top, capitalize on a little gravity, letting a nice decline pull you past Navy Pier and toward Oak Street Beach.

Regular bike traffic, in this race, is to remain on the left side of the cycling area. At the beginning, move there, and let yourself get into a cycling groove. Find the pace that’s right for you -- one you can sustain for 25 miles that also will let you run 6.2 miles after that -- and just settle in.

You might begin that settling-in process about the time you pass the Drake Hotel, when the course heads directly north. From this point consider the race to be roughly four 10-mile segments: out to Lawrence, back to the turnaround for lap 2 (only for Olympic Distance), to Lawrence again, then back to transition.

I also like to consider the 10k segments as broken into smaller units, from overpass to overpass. After the Lincoln Park Zoo, you will gently roll over Belmont, Irving Park. Montrose, Wilson and Lawrence. They seem to be three to four minutes apart, maybe a mile or so between each one. Take them one at a time, use gravity coming down off one to help build momentum to the next one.

When you are ready to pass someone – and you will find this happens often – communicate. Call out: ‘passing on your right!’ I like to even add something personal so they know I’m talking to them, such as: ‘on your right, #2365’. And thank everyone when you get past them. It’s good karma to be nice out there.

Running Down A Dream

Coast back into transition after a good bike ride and you’re almost there. Just 6.2 miles to run, along one of the most beautiful cityfront 10k courses in America. A quick change into running shoes in transition, and you’re off, running along the edge of Monroe Harbor.

You may be feeling tired, but elements of the run may make things a little easier. First, you can look forward to regular aid stations with water and Gatorade on the run course. Then the Chicago Triathlon course lets you do some sightseeing on the way.

Running from transition to just before the Aquarium is the first mile. Run that first mile taking a glance or two at Monroe Harbor as your pass, smiling to yourself that earlier in the day you were swimming there. A left turn around the Aquarium and an east-bound trek to the Adler Planetarium will get you to mile 2. Next, heading south on a bike path, you’ll pass Soldier Field and cross the 3-mile point as you arrive at McCormick Place.

You’re halfway there. Just keep things steady, walk if you need to, get as much fluid as you need at aid stations. Say ‘hi’ to some runners coming toward you. Thank the volunteers. All you need to do is continue forward motion with a smile and you’re almost there.

Continue south on the bike path past a 5th aid station, make a U-turn, then pass the 4-mile point as you return toward McCormick Place. You’ll pass mile 5 before you reach Soldier Field, and from then to the finish line, it’s time to enjoy and savor your day. You’ll make a return trip around Shedd Aquarium, then head west, under Lake Shore Drive to the finish line.

What will your finish time be? These are average split and finish times from recent years. Good targets to shoot for. Be as fast as one or more splits on the day, and you've done well.

It’s a great feeling, turning the corner onto Columbus Street, knowing you’ve completed the Triathlon – Swim, Bike and Run. Some people talk about it, others dream about it. When you get to that finish line: You did it. You. Nice Job. See you Next Year.